10 Time Management Tips For Achieving Success.
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Time is one the most important currency we have.
We're all given 24 hours in a day, and our success highly depends on how we use it that time.
while alot of us feel we never have enough time
Most Successful people have mastered the art of utilizing their time to their advantage.
And the question that pops up is: how can they accomplish so much at such little time? Well, it's all about time management.
Time management is the ability to effectively allocate and manage time by assigning activities into a specific time frame .
Let's closely look at the benefits of time management:
- Boosts productivity
- Self discipline and focus
- More opportunities - Chances of success are much higher because you're able to reach your goal in a faster pace
- Life gets less stressful when you know how to manage your time.
When you're able to manage your time effectively, you're able perform better at tasks this propelling you to success.
Here are 10 time management tips to help you become more successful at work.
1. Set your goals
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One of the first things we tend to overlook is the importance of setting goals. They give us a sense of direction and motivation.
If you're able to visualise the bigger picture when it comes to your career, you'll be able to take action and turn your dreams into reality.
2. Make a plan
Once you've had a clear picture of what your goals are, it's important to have a solid plan.
For example, if your plans are to get a promotion this year, have a clear plan for how you will get it. That way, you'll be more productive by having a solid plan instead of just thinking about it.
3. Use a planner
Making a to-do list of key things you want to achieve throughout the day
Think about it. What do you want to accomplish, and most importantly, how are you going to achieve these goals?
Writing your goals on paper makes them more tangible, which means you have something to work towards.
You get the satisfaction of crossing off the tasks that you've done.
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4. Prioritize
Once you have a list of the things you want to do, arrange them from most important to least important.
Now let's get into a time management method called the "eat the frog technique" by Brian Tracy. The term sounds a bit odd, but it truly captures the essence of time management and productivity. which basically means that you have to do important tasks that urgently need your attention first. Just like eating a frog (which I cannot imagine doing), it wouldn't be nice at all, but once it's done, you've accomplished the most important task.
The key to doing this method successfully is to implement these tasks in the morning, when you are more sharp and alert.
Completing important tasks will save you time and make you feel accomplished and motivated.
5. Time blocking.
Another effective time management method known for boosting productivity is called time blocking.
This technique involves breaking down tasks into small parts and assigning each important task to a certain time frame, creating blocks in your schedule. For example, your appointments, emails, and meetings should be assigned to their respective timeframes, with extra time set aside for unexpected delays.
The time-blocking technique ensures that you do not waste your time doing unimportant things; you will be focused on one thing at a time.
6. Set deadlines
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Photo by Vlada Karpovich |
Whatever project you're working on, remember to establish a deadline. Having a deadline gives a sense of urgency to a project, making you more focused and organized. pushing you to get the work done.
Parkinson's law highlights the fact that work tends to expand to fill the time allocated for its completion. So a longer deadline will cause you to take longer to complete the work. To prevent this from happening, your deadlines need to be set at a much closer date so that you save time and ensure that we deliver with efficiency.
7. Eliminate distractions
When work becomes tedious and boring It's always easy to get sidetracked by time-wasting activities such as social media. One quick glance at your phone could lead to hours of wasted time.
By intentionally putting away distractions such as your phone, you will boost your productivity.
8. Set boundaries.
Work can quickly become overwhelming if you keep getting unexpected work requests and say yes to everything that comes at you. That's where the power of setting boundaries comes in. Deciding what's important and sticking to your priorities.
- Delagation
When work starts to accumulate, you need to remember that you don't need to handle every aspect of a project by yourself. That's where delegation comes into play. Instead of focusing your time and energy on low-impact work, start by assigning work to other capable colleagues. By delegating responsibilities, you reduce your workload, are able to concentrate on what's important, and perform better overall.
- Learn to say no
It's easy to deviate from important work if you say yes to everything.
The art of politely saying 'no' is crucial to time management.
When we're confronted with unreasonable work deadlines and tasks that are outside our job description, just say "no." Politely declining a request is about being selective of the important, and it also allows us to commit to our priorities.
9. Take short breaks.
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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio |
Have you noticed how energized you are whenever you come back from a break?
Studies by William S. Helton, a Ph.D. professor of applied cognition and human factors at George Mason University, concluded that taking breaks improves your overall work performance.
In one study, Helton and his colleagues carried out an experiment on a group of university students where they had to monitor maps of railway lines on a screen. One group was given regular 5-minute breaks, while the other group had no break at all. The group that had regular short breaks had better attention spans and work performance.
This study shows the significance of taking breaks. Setting aside a few minutes to rest can boost productivity and focus.
10. Avoid Multitasking.
You may think that you're getting more done by multitasking. But studies have revealed that doing multiple tasks at once can decrease the quality of your work.
When we focus on so many tasks, our brains get overwhelmed, and less work gets done. Try to select and focus on one task at a time. Doing so will increase productivity and deliver more efficient results.
Time management has been proven as an great way to be productive and save time. Alot of successful people have used these time management tips on their way to success. You can also do it! It takes a lot of discipline and consistency.