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Mastering the 7 Pillars of Self-Care: Your Guide to Taking Care of Yourself

The 7 pillars of self-care have always been an important part of our lives and the foundation of our existence. 

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Each pillar reflects a different aspect of self-care – it's not just about the body, but also the mind, spirit, emotions, connections, hobbies, and environment. It's like tending to all the different parts that make you, well, you!

When we chat about self-care, it's easy to jump to the soothing baths and spa days, right?. While taking care of yourself physically is good, self-care also means taking care of your mind, heart, and inner being. 

Remember that self-care is not selfish; is to choose self-love. 

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) captures the beauty of meaning and defines self-care as “using time to do things that help you live well and improve your physical and mental health."


In this post, we explore the seven pillars of self-care that are fundamental in your life. 

1. Physical Self-Care.

Physical self-care is about prioritizing physical health and adopting healthier lifestyles to improve your quality of life. 

This means that you should actively engage in physical activities that not only benefit your body, but also improve your appearance, making you more attractive and confident.

It's possible to achieve your best physical self by doing these:

  • Exercising.
  • Yoga.
  • Eating a balanced diet.
  • Abandoning unhealthy habits such as smoking.
  • Improving your posture.
  • Wearing clothing that fit you well.
  • Self care routine such as having a long hot bath, spa day or skin care routine.

2. Mental Self-Care. 

Mental health involves taking care of your mental well-being. Doing activities that will bring you inner peace will allow you to grow internally and have a positive mindset.


This means you have to be proactive in working on yourself by seeking professional help when needed, preventing stress, and avoiding burnout.


When you're dealing with school or work stress, here are some self-care treatments to consider:


  • Journaling provides a safe space to dump all your problems.
  • Learning something new.
  • Meditation .
  • Practice mindfulness.
  • Taking social media breaks.
  • Setting boundaries.
  • Avoiding toxic situations and negative thinking.
  • Having daily positive affirmations.

3. Emotional Self-Care.

Being kind to yourself is the essence of emotional self-care. It involves activities that help you acknowledge and process your feelings. It involves making an extra effort to understand your feelings and not let them control you.

So when you're feeling low, this is what you can do:


  • Don't hesitate to let the emotions out, It's ok to cry.
  • Reach out and ask for help from people who can provide emotional support.
  • Get a gratitude journal.
  • Don't bottle up your emotions.
  • Learn to let go of toxic people and situations. 

4. Environmental Self-Care. 

Environmental self-care is all about the spaces you choose to be in, recognizing that your surroundings shape your growth journey. Just like a seed needs the right soil and sunshine, you, too, flourish best in places that nurture your well-being and happiness.

Part of this care involves keeping your surroundings clean and organized. Whether you're at home or away, maintaining cleanliness isn't just about appearances—it's a way of showing that you care for yourself and the environment.

Here are some ways to ensure cleanliness:

  • Organise your work desk.
  • Get rid of things you don't need. 
  • Changing your bed sheets regularly.
  • vacuum the floor regularly.

5. Social Self-Care 

Social self-care involves finding ways to connect with other people and maintain healthy relationships. It's about recognizing the need of human interactions and having a sense of belonging. Being surrounded by positive people who make life have meaning.

Engaging in social self-care can include activities such as:

  • Make plans with a friend or people you haven't seen in a while.
  • Having a date night.
  • Join a support group.

6. Spiritual Self-Care.

Spiritual self-care is a deeper personal journey that goes beyond the physical. It includes activities that bring you closer to faith and give life itself a deeper meaning.

It means realizing that there is more to life than meets the eye and finding strength and comfort when life gets tough.

Becoming more spiritual involves these practices:

  • Going to church.
  • Meditation.
  • Praying.
  • Reading bible.

7. Recreational Self-Care.

Recreational self-care is about participating in activities that not only stimulate the mind but, most importantly, bring happiness and satisfaction as youre doing them. It's all about purely having fun and doing what you truly interests you as a person.

Taking care of yourself leisurely helps you loosen up little, relax and not take yourself too seriously.

Some fun activities you can try:

  • Joining a dance class to improve your dance moves.
  • Playing some sports.
  • Reading your favourite book or discover a new genre.
  • Writing poetry or a book.
  • Painting .
  • Listening to your favourite music.
  • Playing a board game with friends.

You can do this whenever you're not busy or you can make it part of your daily self care routine. If you give yourself permission to be adventurous and be childlike, you're allowing yourself to enjoy life.

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